Nina's Vent account info

hey all this is a minor info carrd for my private account. The carrd of my main is below. Read "Things to Know" before follow requesting!

Things to know:
-you can FRQ but don't expect to be added unless I follow you on this account or have FRQ'd yours. I may make exceptions but don't take it personally if I don't add you as I use this to vent about issues I only trust certain people with
-minors shouldn't FRQ because I am not comfortable with minors seeing some of the things I vent about here. If I don't know your age and believe that you are a minor I will not accept your FRQ.
-as this is primarily a vent account I tag my nsfw posts but I do still make them! If that is a problem either mute "nsfw" or don't FRQ
-I do retweet nsfw things here and if that is an issue please turn off my rts.